🔷1. JEOPARDIZE (VERB): (जोखिम में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: endanger, imperil
Antonyms: safegaurd
Example Sentence:He jeopardized his as as well as my life by jumping in the lake.
🔶2. COGNIZANT (ADJECTIVE): (जानकार): aware
Synonyms: conscious apprised
Antonyms: unaware
Example Sentence:Statesmen must be cognizant of the political vicinity within which they work.
🔷3. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): prevalent
Synonyms: penetrating, pervading
Antonyms: uncommon
Example Sentence: Racism is pervasive and entrenched in our society.
🔷4. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): comprehensive
Synonyms: thorough, complete
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence:My friend has an extensive collection of silver.
🔶5. LUCRATIVE(ADJECTIVE): (लाभप्रद): profitable
Synonyms: profit-making, gainful
Antonyms: unprofitable
Example Sentence:She has a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian.
🔷6. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): success
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe
Antonyms: failure
Example Sentence: Her plans turned into a fiasco.
🔶7. CLAMOUR (NOUN) (कोलाहल): din
Synonyms: racket, uproar
Antonyms: silence
Example Sentence: The questions rose to a clamour.
🔷8. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence: His unrelenting efforts led to his success.
🔶9. TRANQUILLITY (NOUN): (शांति): peace
Synonyms: repose, calm
Antonyms: commotion
Example Sentence: The tweeting of birds gives tranquility.
🔷10. INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable
Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable
Antonyms: avoidable
Example Sentence: War was inevitable.
🔶1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रासंगिक): relevant
Synonyms: to the point apposite
Antonyms: irrelevant
Example Sentence:She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
🔷2. EMBELLISH (VERB): (अधिक रोचक बनाना): elaborate
Synonyms: embroider, exaggerate
Antonyms: simplify
Example Sentence:Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.
3. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal
Synonyms: judiciary, juridical
Antonyms: ilegal
Example Sentence:There would be a judicial inquiry into the allegations.
🔷4. FACTION (NOUN): (अंदरूनी कलह): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:The army faction strengthened day by day.
🔶5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): despairing
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate.
🔷6. DEFIANCE (NOUN): (अवज्ञा): resistance
Synonyms: opposition, confrontation
Antonyms: submission
Example Sentence:Despite her defiance, her voice shook.
🔶7. TEMERITY (NOUN): (धृष्टता): audacity
Synonyms: boldness, nerve
Antonyms: shyness
Example Sentence:No one had the temerity to question his conclusions.
🔷8. SETBACK (NOUN): (स्र्कावट): problem
Synonyms: difficulty, issue
Antonyms: breakthrough
Example Sentence:The violent attack was a serious setback for the peace process.
🔶9. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): (प्रसार): spreading
Synonyms: circulation distribution
Antonyms: suppressing
Example Sentence:The dissemination of public information was essential.
🔷10. DRAB (ADJECTIVE): (बेरंग): colourless
Synonyms: grey, dull
Antonyms: bright
Example Sentence:The landscape was drab and grey.
🔶1. NIMBLE (ADJECTIVE): (फुर्तीला): agile
Synonyms: lithe, sprightly
Antonyms: stiff
Example Sentence: With a deft motion of her nimble fingers, she completed the task.
🔷2. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (प्रतिबंध): embargo
Synonyms: ban, prohibition
Antonyms: renewal
Example Sentence: There was a moratorium on the use of drift nets.
🔶3. MYSTERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यमय): enigmatic
Synonyms: inscrutable, secretive
Antonyms: open
Example Sentence: She was mysterious about herself but said plenty about her husband.
🔷4. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish
Synonyms: prosper, burgeon
Antonyms: fail, collapse
Example Sentence: The entertainment industry has thrived in the recent decade.
🔶5. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive
Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent
Antonyms: loyal
Example Sentence:He was seen as a potentially subversive man within the party.
🔷6. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthral
Synonyms: charm, enchant
Antonyms: repel
Example Sentence:He was captivated by her beauty.
🔶7. ABANDONED (ADJECTIVE): (असंयत): uninhibited
Synonyms: reckless, unrestrained
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:He performed a wild, abandoned dance.
🔷8. BUTTRESS (VERB): (समर्थन देना): strengthen
Synonyms: reinforce, fortify
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence: He buttressed his idea by religious belief.
🔶9. PROMINENT (ADJECTIVE)(अगोचर): conspicuous
Synonyms: noticeable, obvious
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence: The new housing estates are prominent landmarks.
🔷10. DETENTION (NOUN): (क़ैद): custody
Synonyms: imprisonment, confinement
Antonyms: relinquishment
Example Sentence: The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention.
🔶1. KINDLE (VERB): (प्रज्वलित करना): light
Synonyms: ignite, set fire to
Antonyms: douse
Example Sentence:
They kindle lights, he says, assuming one is in darkness.
🔷2. HOSPITALITY (NOUN): (सत्कार): friendliness
Synonyms: welcome, helpfulness
Antonyms: unfriendliness
Example Sentence:
Scotland is a country which is renowned for its hospitality.
🔶3. PARTLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप में): in part
Synonyms: partially, somewhat
Antonyms: completely
Example Sentence:
The result is partly a matter of skill and partly of chance.
🔷4. COHERENCE (NOUN): (स्थिरता): consistency
Synonyms: soundness, organization
Antonyms: incoherence
Example Sentence:
Many questions weren further raised on the coherence of state policy.
🔶5. TOXIC (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: very bad, harmful
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:
She had been in a toxic relationship.
🔷6. REVOKE (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: repeal, rescind
Antonyms: introduce
Example Sentence:
The men appealed and the sentence was revoked.
🔶7. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (सटीक): exact
Synonyms: accurate, precise
Antonyms: vague
Example Sentence:
When ordering goods, be specific.
🔷8.AGITATION (NOUN): (आवेश): anxiety
Synonyms: perturbation, disquiet
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence:
She was wringing her hands in agitation.
🔶9. BYGONE (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): ancient
Synonyms: past, former
Antonyms: contemporary
Example Sentence:
That is contrary to the observation of philosophers of bygone days.
🔷10. STIMULATE (VERB): (प्रेरित करना): encourage
Synonyms: prompt, prod
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence:
The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.
1. Meddle (verb) हस्तक्षेप करना– Interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern.
Synonym: interfere, butt in, intrude, intervene, interlope, pry, poke, nose, busybody, interpose, obtrude, thrust
Antonym- leave alone, disregard, ignore
Example: ‘I don't want him meddling in our affairs’
2. Convince (verb) समझाने – Persuade (someone) to do something.
Synonym: induce, prevail on, get, talk round, bring around, win over, sway
Antonym- confuse, abash, addle, baffle
Example: ‘she convinced my father to branch out on his own’
3. Budging (verb) हिलना– Change or make (someone) change an opinion.
Synonym: change one's mind, give way, give in, yield, acquiesce, compromise, adapt, retract, do a U-turn, eat one's words
Antonym- resisting
Example: ‘I tried to persuade him, but he wouldn't budge’
4. Mount (verb) ऊपर चढ़ना – Climb up (stairs, a hill, or other rising surface)
Synonym: go up, ascend, climb, climb up, scale, clamber up, make one's way up, move up
Antonym- descend, climb down, abseil, rappel
Example: ‘he mounted the steps to the front door’
5. Reshuffle (verb) फेरबदल – Reorganize or change the positions of (government appointees, members of a team, etc.)
Synonym: reorganize, restructure, change, change around, change the line-up of, shake up, rearrange, interchange, shuffle, regroup, rejig, redistribute, realign
Antonym- break, corrupt, damage, destroy
Example: ‘the president was forced to reshuffle his cabinet’
6. Backtracks (verb) पीछे हटना – Reverse one's previous action or opinion.
Synonym: backpedal, change one's mind, change one's opinion, back down, go into reverse, reverse course, row back
Antonym- advances, remains, stays
Example: "the unions have had to backtrack on their demands"
7. Factions (noun) गुट – a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
Synonym: clique, coterie, caucus, cabal, bloc, camp, group, grouping, side, sector, section, wing, arm, branch, division, contingent
Antonym- individual, peace, unity
Example: "the left-wing faction of the party"
8. Brinkmanship (noun) अस्थिरता – the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.
Synonym: bluff, bluffing, bluster, manoeuvring
Antonym- carefulness caution cautiousness
Example: "in any game of brinkmanship, it is possible that one side will collapse suddenly"
9. Odium (noun) घृणा – general or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a result of their actions.
Synonym: disgust, abhorrence, repugnance, revulsion, repulsion, loathing, detestation, hatred, hate, execration, obloquy, dislike
Antonym- affection fondness liking admiration
Example: ‘his job had made him the target of public hostility and odium’
1. Revealed (Verb) प्रत्यक्ष करना – make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.
Synonym: divulge, disclose, tell, let out, let slip, let drop, let fall, give away, give the game away, give the show away, blurt, blurt out, babble, give out, release, leak, betray, open up, unveil
Antonym- concealed, disguised, masked, obfuscated, obscured
Example: "Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's whereabouts"
2. Mercurial (Adjective) अस्थिर – (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
Synonym: volatile, capricious, temperamental, excitable, fickle, changeable, unpredictable, variable, protean, mutable, erratic, quicksilver, inconstant, inconsistent, unstable, unsteady, fluctuating
Antonym- constant, stable, steady, predictable, unchanging, consistent
Example: ‘his mercurial temperament’
3. Venture (noun) व्यापार, जोखिम का काम – a business enterprise, typically one that involves risk.
Synonym: enterprise, undertaking, project, scheme, pursuit, operation, endeavour
Antonym- assurance certainty fact
Example: ‘their fortune was wiped out by an unsuccessful business venture’
4. Credible (Adjective) विश्वसनीय– Able to be believed; convincing.
Synonym: acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, sure, good, valid
Antonym- unlikely, unbelievable, impossible, unreasonable
Example: ‘few people found his story credible’
5. Charisma (noun) प्रतिभा – a divinely conferred power or talent.
Synonym: charm, presence, aura, personality, force of personality, strength of character, individuality
Antonym- repulsion repulsiveness hideousness horror
Example: ‘he has tremendous charisma and stage presence’
6. Concrete (Adjective) ठोस – Specific; definite.
Synonym: definite, specific, firm, positive, conclusive, definitive
Antonym- vague
Example: "I haven't got any concrete proof"
7. Chronic (Adjective) दीर्घकालिक – (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
Synonym: persistent, long-standing, long-term, constantly recurring
Example: ‘The clinical infection is characterized by chronic fever and hepatosplenomegaly.’
8. Tumble (verb) लुढ़क – fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong.
Synonym: fall, fall over, fall down, topple over, lose one's footing, lose one's balance
Antonym- rise arise arrange
Example: "she pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs"
1. Deadlock (noun) गतिरोध – a situation, typically one involving opposing parties, in which no progress can be made.
Synonym: stalemate, impasse, checkmate, stand-off
Antonym- agreement, breakthrough, continuation, solution
Example: ‘The agreement gives the UN special envoy the formal power to break any political deadlock.’
2. Contention (noun) विवाद – heated disagreement.
Synonym: disagreement, dispute, disputation, argument, variance
Antonym- affection, consideration, denial, friendliness, friendship
Example: ‘the captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries’
3. Penalize (verb) दंडदेना – subject to a penalty or punishment.
Synonym: punish, discipline, inflict a penalty on, exact a penalty from, deal with, mete out punishment to, sentence, impose a sentence on, chastise, castigate, correct, chasten
Antonym- reward, pardon
Example: ‘he promised to penalize parents whose children missed school’
4. Reconciliatory (Adjective) सामंजस्यपूर्ण – intended or likely to restore friendly relations.
Synonym: conciliatory, appeasing, mollifying, pacific, pacifying, placatory
Antonym- antagonistic, antagonizing, antagonizing, fighting
Example: "the delegates entered the hall together in a reconciliatory gesture"
5. Amenable (Adjective) उत्तरदायी – open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Synonym: compliant, acquiescent, biddable, manageable, controllable, governable, persuadable, tractable, responsive, pliant
Antonym- uncooperative
Example: ‘It was hoped by employers that the new working class would be more docile and amenable than the old.’
6. Propagate (verb) प्रचार – spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.
Synonym: spread, disseminate, communicate, pass on, put about, make known, promulgate, circulate, transmit, distribute, broadcast, publish, publicize, proclaim, preach, promote
Antonym- discredit
Example: ‘economic ideas propagated by international institutions’
7. Beforehand (Adverb) पहले ही – before an action or event; in advance. widely.
Synonym: in advance, in readiness, ahead of time before, before now, earlier, earlier on, previously, already, sooner
Antonym- belatedly late tardily after afterward afterwards
Example: ‘I don't recall people being asked beforehand if these events were wanted in the first place.’
8. Remunerative (Adjective) पारिश्रमिक-संबंधी – financially rewarding; lucrative.
Synonym: lucrative, well paid, financially rewarding, financially worthwhile, moneymaking, paying, gainful
Antonym- unprofitable loss-making unproductive worthless
Example: ‘The result of several years of research has not proved very remunerative.’
1. Kaleidoscopic (Adjective) बहुरूपदर्शक – having complex patterns of colours; multicoloured.
Synonym: prismatic, variegated, polychromatic, psychedelic, rainbow
Antonym- monochromatic colourless
Example: ‘Time is treated kaleidoscopically, whether in selective moments, flashbacks or offstage voices from the past.’
2. Variant (noun) प्रकार – A form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.
Synonym: alternative, other, different, divergent, disparate, derived, adapted, modified, revised, altered, mutant, deviant, rogue, aberrant
Antonym- same similar alike like
Example: ‘Despite the relatively small number of variants, the form of the tale differs in North Wales and in South Wales.’
3. Mutant
(Verb) उत्परिवर्ती – A mutant form.
Synonym: freak, freak of nature, deviant, oddity, monstrosity, monster, mutation, variant, variation
Antonym- sameness
Example: ‘frequently only a small percentage of the offspring of mutants resemble their parents’
4. Paraphernalia (noun) सामान – miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity.
Synonym: equipment, stuff, things, apparatus, tackle, kit, implements, tools, utensils, material, materials, appliances, rig, outfit, accoutrements
Example: ‘Drug paraphernalia and empty wine bottles lay strewn among layers of rotting food, dirty cardboard boxes and stinking blankets.’
5. Grapple (VERB) संघर्षकरने – struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge).
Synonym: tackle, confront, address oneself to, face, attend to, attack, get down to
deal with, cope with, come to grips with, get to grips with
Antonym- avoid
Example: "other towns are still grappling with the problem"
6. Consortium (noun) सहायता संघ – an association, typically of several companies.
Synonym: association, league, society, organisation
Antonym- division, separation, disunion, disassociation
Example: And just what consortium of companies and yards that prime contractor will then engage to do the construction remains to be seen.
7. Surveillance (noun) निगरानी – close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
Synonym: observation, scrutiny, watch, view, inspection, monitoring, supervision, superintendence
Antonym- carelessness, ignorance, indifference, neglect, negligence
Example: ‘leading members of the party were to be kept under surveillance’
8. Unprecedented (Adjective) बेमिसाल, अभूतपूर्व – never done or known before.
Synonym: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched, unrivalled, extraordinary, uncommon
Antonym- normal, common
Example: ‘an era of warfare on an unprecedented scale
1. Anticipated (verb) अपेक्षित – regard as probable; expect or predict.
Synonym: expect, foresee, predict, think likely, forecast, prophesy, foretell, contemplate the possibility of, allow for, be prepared for
Antonym- unexpected, surprising, unpredictable, unforeseen
Example: ‘the police did not anticipate any trouble’
2. Spectrum auction : A spectrum auction is a process whereby a government uses an auction system to sell the rights to transmit signals over specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and to assign scarce spectrum resources. Depending on the specific auction format used, a spectrum auction can last from a single day to several months from the opening bid to the final winning bid.
3. Imbalance (noun) असंतुलन – lack of proportion or relation between corresponding things.
Synonym: disparity, variance, unevenness, polarity, contrast, variation, disproportion, lopsidedness, misproportion, lack of harmony, lack of relation
Antonym- balance, parity, equality, equivalence, congruity
Example: ‘the political imbalance between North and South’
4. Await (verb) प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है – wait for (an event).
Synonym: wait for, expect, anticipate, look for, hope for
Antonym- doubts,question
Example: ‘Peter was at home, awaiting news’
5. Intense (Adjective) तीव्र – of extreme force, degree, or strength.
Synonym: great, acute, enormous, fierce, severe, extreme, high, exceptional, extraordinary, harsh, strong, powerful, potent, vigorous
Antonym- moderate, soft, gentle, relaxed
Example: ‘the subject of intense interest’
6. Spur (verb) प्रेरणा – give an incentive or encouragement to (someone).
Synonym: stimulate, give the incentive to, act as a incentive to, act as a stimulus to, encourage, prompt, propel, prod, induce, impel, motivate, move, galvanize, inspire, urge
Antonym- discourage dissuade
Example: ‘the confrontation spurred him into writing a letter of resignation’
7. Adequate (Adjective) पर्याप्त – satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.
Synonym: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonym- inadequate, deficient, insufficient, unsatisfactory, lacking
Example: ‘he lacked adequate financial resources’
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